BigBed Positioning Rights

Our next question comes from Chloe and concerns the thorny issue of bigbed rights, in particular

Should we have free movement to extend diagonally or will we need a visa?

Now we are all too aware that some furs do not have bigbed rights which is quite frankly an outrageous state of affairs and deserves the harshest of punishment … but ever mindful of our remit as legal beagles Labradors it would not be appropriate to answer questions which have not been specifically put to us.

We turn to Regulation No 831/2007 dated 1 April 2007 governing the Rights of Dogs in Positioning Themselves on the BigBed

Once BigBed rights have been established, all dogs regardless of size, breed or sex shall have full and unfettered rights to lie (with or without legs being in the fully extended and locked position) in any direction upon the BigBed as in their sole discretion they consider may best provide them with optimum comfort;

Such rights shall include the right to lie upon any part of the anatomy of the human as may be deemed by the dog, acting reasonably, conducive to their sleep needs; and

Such rights shall not be subject to attempts on the part of the human(s) to subvert the chosen position by whatever means.

The issue of big bed rights in this context is complicated by Brexit Bedxit as a consequence of the relevant regulations being found in European legislation.

We do not as yet know what the long-term intention is as regards these Regulations, although in the short-term they should be protected by the Great Repeal Bill which will ‘copy across’ the relevant regulations into our domestic laws. So for the time being pals, you can rest safe (whether diagonally, upside down, lengthways, sideways or curled up) that no visas are required. We are also sure that in the event of any change to domestic legislation in due course appropriate transitional provisions will be applied.